Are You Part Of The $62 Billion Loss Due To Poor Customer Service?

Are You Part Of The $62 Billion Loss Due To Poor Customer Service?

I love reading studies and benchmark reports. The statistics and facts give a snapshot of interesting and often relevant trends. My favorite report from last year was issued by New Voice Media, which reported that $62 billion of business was lost due to poor customer service. That was an increase of almost 50% from a similar report it released two years prior.

A new “Customer Service Benchmark Report” released by SuperOffice also revealed some interesting and compelling statistics. I would even call their findings scary. As you read this information, you are going to hope you are on the right side of the statistics.

The report starts by citing past research that states 80% of businesses believe they provide excellent customer service, but only 8% of customers agree. I’ve always been a little surprised by those numbers, but I know that while the numbers may not apply to every type of business and industry, the basic concept holds true. There is a definite disconnect between the leadership in many companies and what’s happening on the front line with customers. Is it as serious as the numbers indicate? In B2C businesses, the numbers may be accurate. Read more…

Are You Part Of The $62 Billion Loss Due To Poor Customer Service?

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