5 Ways to Get Settled When Your Start-up Takes You Abroad

5 Ways to Get Settled When Your Start-up Takes You Abroad

Planning ahead can mitigate the challenges and allow you to better enjoy the benefits of being in a new country.

I’m pleased to share a guest post from Michelle Acker Perez, who is originally from California but now works for a nonprofit in Guatemala with her husband. Follow her on Twitter @MichelleAcker.

Many entrepreneurs and their families may end up of moving or temporarily relocating abroad. With an increasingly connected global economy, there are many reasons to move your business to another country. However, moving your business and your family abroad comes with a unique set of opportunities and challenges.

Here are five ways to make moving and getting settled abroad easier:

1. Research as much as you can beforehand.

The Internet makes this easier than ever before. You can find helpful info from sites like Families in Global Transition and InterNations, but you can also search on Facebook for “Expats in…” and you’ll find a group in nearly every country. I started a Facebook group in Antigua, Guatemala, when I wanted to connect and share resources with other expat moms. Being able to connect with other families and ask questions about schools, medical care, and housing before you leave is super helpful.

2. Arrange a support team of family and friends from home.

Leaving behind family and friends is one of the hardest parts of moving abroad. Lisa Ferland,her husband, and her two kids relocated to Sweden five years ago. She recommends setting up a communication system before you go. “Having a set time each week to call the grandparents or let our kids FaceTime with their cousins helped us feel connected even though we live far away,” explains Ferland.

It’s also great to have prearranged check-ins with a few close friends or a trusted counselor. Ask them to contact you after your first week, first month, and then at the three-month mark. Use apps like Voxer or Whatsapp to easily stay in touch. Read more…

5 Ways to Get Settled When Your Start-up Takes You Abroad

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