This solar company will power Middle East oil

This solar company will power Middle East oil

A Silicon Valley company recently broke ground on one of the largest solar projects in history.

No, it’s not using solar panels to power mansions in Palo Alto. It’s using clean energy to pump oil … in the Middle East, no less, the epicenter of the world’s oil resources.

GlassPoint Solar is building sophisticated mirrors in a desert in Oman to transform solar energy into steam, used in a popular kind of oil extraction.

Normally, natural gas is used in this type of oil recovery. But natural gas is quite scarce and awfully expensive in many parts of the Middle East. It’s also not good for the environment.

Even though GlassPoint’s solar project will only provide one-third of the steam at Oman’s Amal oilfield, the company estimates it will save 300,000 tons of CO2 emissions each year. That’s the equivalent of removing 63,000 cars from the road. Read More…

This solar company will power Middle East oil

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